Creativity Prize

The purpose of the annual prize at the Cherwell School is to recognise and reward creative potential in any field broadly within the arts


The £350 prize is open to all final year students at the school (average age 17-18) who are invited to demonstrate their creative potential by entering one piece of work in any medium they choose. This is not a prize for academic achievement, nor exam grades, and the judging is carried out totally independently of the school by professionals who work in the arts and media. The judges are given no information on the backgrounds or school performance of those who enter, since this has no relevance in the judging discussions. Creativity should speak for itself.

Every year, the entrants demonstrate the most amazing and varied creative potential. The judges are continually inspired by young film-makers, fiction writers, dancers, drama groups, dress-makers, composers, musicians, painters, potters and poets.

The Winners

2009 – Jacques Butler

2008 – Oscar Morgan

2007 – Rahim Hakimi

2006 – Rachel Vaux

2005 – Anna Phipps

2004 – Ewan Bleach

2003 – David Trumble

2002 – Sophie Cartwright

2001 – Robert Brough

2000 – Daniel Zappi

1999 – Will Davies

1998 – Hannah Forbes Black

1997 – Reuben Fleming

1996 – Natalie Palkovich

1995 – Will Wiles

1994 – Suyai Steinhauer

1993 – Nancy Gladstone

1992 – Daniel Hall